
Lijuan Li
Lijuan Li
Personal details
Name |
Lijuan Li |
Post |
Vice-Dean of Faculty of Civil and Transportation Engineering Engineering
Professor of Construction Engineering
Head of Structure Engineering Discipline |
Telephone |
+86 (0) 20 3932 2513 |
Fax |
+86 (0) 20 3932 2511 |
Office location |
University City |
Email |
lilj@scnu.edu.cn |
Personal website |
http://web.gdut.edu.cn/~jsxy/ljli |
Postal address |
The Faculty of Civil and Transportation Engineering Engineering,
Guangdong University of Technology Guangzhou, 510006,
P.R. China |
Lijuan read Engineering at the University of Xian Jiaotong University
specialising in Applying Mechanics. She was awarded a BA in
1987, a MS in 1990 and a PhD in 1993. She then worked in Qingdao
University of Technology specialising in material mechanics
and extrusion process mechanics. Thereafter she joined in Guangdong
University of technology in 1998 specialising in structural
engineering and structural mechanics. Between Sep. 2003 and
Sep. 2004 she worked as a visiting professor in the University
of Liverpool in UK.
Teaching Areas
Testing of structures
Space Grid Shell Structures
Finite Element Method
Constitutive Theory of Engineering Materials
Research Areas
Structural Engineering:
Optimization and simulation design of lightweight structures;
Seismic analysis of steel and aluminum alloy structures;
Structural design theory and method;
Numerical simulation of structural dynamic behaviour;
Repair and strengthening of concrete structures with fibre reinforced
plastics Appraisal and conservation of structures;
Testing of concrete structures;
Innovative concrete structures;
Structural Mechanics:
Physical mechanical properties of high performance concrete;
Mechanics of rubber composite materials;
De-bonding problems of FRP strengthened concrete structures;
Structural conceptural design and analysis.
Recent Research Grants
[1] LJ Li, Simulated optimization design of contemporary space
structures (Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province,
January 2004~December 2005)
[2] LJ Li, Simulated design of large span space structures (Guangzhou
Science Committee, January 2004~June 2006)
[3] LJ Li, Construction technique study about concrete block
and plaster. (Wall Material Committee, January 2005~December
[4] LJ Li, Investigation of recycled rubber modified high performance
concrete materials(Guangzhou Science Committee, June 2005~May
[5] LJ Li, Five year plan for application of new wall material
in Goongguan City. (Wall Material Committee, July 2005~January
Recent Publications
To be published:
[1] L.J. Li, Z.H. Xie, Y.C. Guo, F. Liu, Structural optimization
and dynamic analysis for double-layer spherical reticulated
shell structures, Submitted to Journal of Constructional Steel
Research. July 2005.
[2] LJ Li, F Liu, WW Lu, SY Li, JH Bungey. Crack resistance
design and analysis for a pre-stressed reinforced concrete structure.
Submitted to Composite Structures. July 2005.
[3] LJ Li, YC Guo, F Liu, JH Bungey. An experimental and numerical
study of the effect of thickness and length of CFRP on performance
of repaired reinforced concrete beams. Construction and Building
Materials. 2005, In Press.
[4] YF Zhu, LJ Li, XQ Huan, Test analysis for Constitutive Equations
of Rubber-Like Materials. Rubber Engineering, 2005, To be published.
[5] YF Zhu, F Liu, XQ Huan, LJ Li, Research Advances on Constitutive
Equations of Rubber-Like Materials. To be published by Rubber
Engineering, 2005.
[6] ZH Xie,LJ Li,YC Guo,F Liu,Nonlinear Analysis of the Partial
Double Layer
Spherical Reticulated Shell,Building structures, 2005, To be
[7] Z.H. Xie , L.J. Li, Y.C. Guo, F. Liu Antiseismic analysis
of double-layer grid shell structures, Space structures,2005,To
be published.
[8] QH Ke, F Liu, LJ Li Stability Analysis of a three-dimensional
Truss Arch Structure, Steel structures and Building industry,
2005, To be Published
[1] B Yuan, YS Huan, LJ Li, Seismic Response Analysis of Base
Isolation High-rise Building, Journal of Jinan University, No.1,
[2] YF Zhu, F Liu, XQ Huan, LJ Li, Constitutive model of rubber-like
materials with significant hardening at large strains, Journal
of Jinan University, No.1, 2005.
[3] WW Lu, LJ Li, Methods to reduce deformation of structures,
Building Technique. 2005, Vol.36,No.4,2005,305。
[4] LJ Li, ZH Xie, YC Guo, F Liu. Antiseismic analysis of double-layer
grid shell structures. the 4th International Conference on Advances
in Steel Structures, June, 2005, Shanghai, China. In: Advances
in steel structures, (ICASS’05 ) ISBN: 0 00 8446 37 X, Elsevier
Ltd. Printed in Great Britain. 1199-1204
[5] LJ Li, YC Guo, F Liu, JH Bungey. Efficiency of hybrid FRP
sheets in strengthening concrete beams. 6th International Congress,
Global Construction: Ultimate Concrete Opportunities. July,
2005, Dundee, UK. In: Repair and renovation of concrete structures,
ISBN:0 7277 3405 9, Published by Thomas Telford Publishing,
[6] LJ Li, GQ Fu, CQ Lu, WW Lu, F Liu, Non-interstices design
of super long tall RC building and stress test analysis of Shenzhen
Tian Digital Mansion. Journal of Building Structures, Vol.25,
N0.1, 2004. 114-120
[7] LJ Li, F Liu, SY Li, JH Bungey. Non-gap design method and
test for post-tensioned pre-stressed reinforced concrete structure,
XXI International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,
August, 2004, Warsaw, Poland.
[8] F Liu, LJ Li, P Wriggers. Wear Simulation Based on Node-to-segment
Element, The 7th Asia-pacific Symposium on Engineering Plasticity
and Its Application, Sep.2004, Shanghai, China. Key Engineering
Materials, Vols.274-276 (2004) pp.577-582.
[9] DA Lv, YC Guo, LJ Li, F Liu, Experimental Research of Debonding
Failure for RC Beams Strengthened with CFRP,Building Technique
Development, Vol.31, No.12, 2004. 51-54
[10] XD Mo, LJ Li, YC Guo, F Liu. Nonlinear numerical analysis
of the RC beams strengthened with continuous carbon fiber sheets,Building
Technique Development, Vol.31, No.12, 2004. 61-62
[11] YC Guo,LJ Li,F Liu,Debonding Failure Analysis between Fiber
and Concrete,Nanzhou University of Technology, Vol.30,No.4,2004。118-120
[12] LJ Li, HZ Zhang, F Liu. Analysis of mechanics property
of interface between fibre and concrete New Building Materials,No.10,
2004. 1-5
[13] LJ Li, Thomas Telford and The Cast Iron Bridges He designed,Journal
of China & Foreign Highway, Vol.24, No.6, 2004. 39-42
[1] YH Wan, LJ Li, YP Li, Finite element method
and programs, South China University Publication,January 2001.
[2] Y Sun, LJ Li, Tutorial of structure test, Gansu Democratic
Publication,January 2001.
[3] Y Sun, LJ Li, Test of building structures, Chongqing
University Publication,June 2001.